Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Starting All Over

So I first started this blog to show my weight loss. I thought by doing this I would not give up. Well guess what! I gave up..........

But a few months ago I got back on track. I joined Weight Watchers and I have to say I have NOT given up I may have a few weeks that I am not the proudest of but I have not stopped. I keep trucking on every week regardless of a gain or a loss.

I am proud to say I have lost a total of 19.5 pounds so far! I still have a very long road ahead of me but I am in this for the long hall. I don't want to be the girl who feels uncomfortable in her own body. I don't want to be the girl who hates to go clothes shopping because she can never find anything to fit. So I am changing my ways for good and it feels great!

Please share any weight loss tips or even your own success with me!